Network maintenance the night of Friday, Jan 24 (U.S. time) may result in temporary downtime.
Forecast Time (local):
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Model Page Settings
Hide analysis times / negative forecast hours (requires refresh)
Show lat/lon readout near cursor
Point-and-click Soundings
Shortcuts and Gestures
- ← →Move forward and backward through forecast times
- SPACEPlay or pause animation
- + −Speed up or slow down the animation
- ↓ ↑Show previous and future model runs at the same valid time
- clickView point sounding
- click + dragView area-averaged sounding
- CTRL + click + dragView vertical cross section
- CMD + click + dragView vertical cross section (Mac)
- ROpen/close region selection menu
- ESCClose open popup windows, like this one
- SHIFT+dragShow ruler on map